Burn Out by Amelia and Emily Nagoski

Burnout by Amelia and Emily Nagoski is about ways to unlock the stress cycle. If you find yourself in a time of heightened stress that you can’t seem to get out of, then this book is for you. They specifically gear this book toward women, but I’ve found the tools that they utilize apply to all. The parts geared towards women are mainly about various experiences and reasons women find themselves stuck in the stress cycle that may not be applicable or as prevalent for men.

I read this book at a time in my life when I was working at a heightened-stress job and found that the practices that this book discusses are applicable and easy to implement. They aren’t extravagant practices or uncommon ones, instead, they are practices that can be implemented without adding more stress to an already stressful situation.

Emily and Amelia share their own experiences with stress which I appreciate and feel made the content more meaningful since the authors have implemented the various recommendations themselves. I found their personal experiences also led to their writing being engaging, understandable, and applicable. And when they dig into more of the science behind the effectiveness of what they recommend, their writing still carried the same voice, was engaging, and wasn’t overwhelming.

Overall, I found this book enjoyable, insightful, and effective in helping me cope better with stress. As a therapist, I turn to their advice often when working with clients, too!


Enjoying the Journey


Gratitude Practices