Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

As a recovering unhealthy perfectionist, self-compassion was a concept I used to be very unfamiliar with. But, Brene Brown mentioned Kristin Neff in one of her books so I checked out her book, The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, which she wrote along with Christopher Germer. And I highly recommend this book, especially if self-compassion is a more foreign and unfamiliar practice.

Kristin and Chris break down these concepts into very manageable steps and have applicable practices at the end of each chapter. I found the information sections informative but not overwhelming, and the practices help ensure understanding of the information from the sections.

For some reason I tend to always hit a rut in the middle of workbooks where my momentum slows down, I may miss engaging with the book for a few days, but I eventually pick it back up and make my way through to the end. This book was no different, I did hit a rut, but I was thankful that I picked it back up and finished it.

This book helps set the groundwork for engaging in self-compassion consistently. While it was not a practice I consistently engaged in prior, I feel that this book helped set the foundation for me to continue implementing self-compassion practices daily. I definitely recommend checking this book out from the library or buying it if self-compassion is an area you want to explore further!

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