Just A Thing

We are in the throes of nighttime wakings with our newborn so I’ve been rewatching some shows I enjoy. Lately, it has been Ted Lasso.

Last night, I rewatched an episode where Ted is trying to call his son before his son goes out to play a big soccer game, but Ted left his phone at his apartment. He uses his office phone but does not remember his ex-wife’s cell phone number. He looks at his friend, Beard, and asks if forgetting his ex-wife’s cell phone number is a good thing or a bad thing.

And Beard replies, “I think it’s just a thing.”

And I liked that.

How often do we assign “good” and “bad” to things that just “are.” With the abundance of time we often find ourselves with to think over things, we overanalyze things and give them more value than they deserve. Not all of the time, but I think at least some of the time, things just are. They aren’t good or bad.

So, if you think through things going on for you and feel there are many good and bad things, perhaps it may be worth it go think back through them and take some of this arbitrary value back. Perhaps many of those things just “are.”


Respond Versus React


Grounded Gratitude