Intro to Relevant Research

In a world where information is shared and spread more quickly than ever, I find a greater sense of appreciation when I come across ideas and thoughts that are backed with empirical evidence. We are fortunate to have some great minds within the field of mental health engaging with and discovering valuable and powerful mental health concepts.

While one day I hope to contribute my own research, my place right now is to consume, learn, and spread the word. As I come across relevant research within the mental health field I hope to share it with you here. Some of this may align with book reviews I do, but I will make them separate posts. The book review will be about the book, the writing style, and my opinion on how the information is shared. While the research post will be about the concepts that have been discovered.

May we never believe we are beyond the point where we can continue to learn and grow.


Research: Inward Representation of Fight, Flight, Freeze


Defense Mechanism: Repression