What Happened to You? By Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey

I’m rather fascinated by the brain and how our mental and physical health is intertwined. So, I’ve read a fair amount of books on these topics, and this one, What Happened to You by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey, has been the best.

When I read books about trauma and the science behind how our body stores the trauma it often takes me a little bit of time to finish it because the concepts are quite intellectual and I need time to soak in the information to make sure I’m understanding it correctly. This book does a phenomenal job explaining the scientific side of things in a way that is not overwhelming or confusing. The way Bruce Perry explains things, Oprah Winfrey reflects, and the use of charts and other visuals made the content more easily understood than in other books I have come across.

And I could not put the book down, it was so engaging.

It is written in a way that I have not come across before with nonfiction writing. It is like a transcript of an interview, with Oprah Winfrey asking questions, sharing her personal experiences, and exploring the concepts further with Bruce Perry. And they did it in a captivating and beautifully engaging way.

I often check out books from the library before buying them just to ensure it’s worth buying and I had this one bought before I even finished it. I highly encourage this read to better understand our current conceptualization of trauma, resilience, and healing.

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Defense Mechanism: Intellectualization


Research: Inward Representation of Fight, Flight, Freeze