Intro to The Brain and Body

Have you ever passed by a place that held significant childhood value and you started to reminisce as if you were back in time?

Have you ever started to feel anxious about something and actually got sick from your anxiety?

Have you ever looked back on a situation and thought “I have no idea why I did that, I don’t know what I was thinking”?

I remember sitting in awe the first time I learned about the various systems in our brain and body that correlate with our emotional experiences. I had never thought nor realized that the two were tied together. Since then, I’ve continued to be drawn to this research and have continued to be struck by what we’ve learned about the brain, body, and mental health and the ways they all interact together.

So, with much excitement, I’m looking forward to sharing this with you. Over the next few months, I will write about various aspects of our brain, body, and how they affect our emotional experiences and mental health.

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Personifying Emotions


The Goal with Defense Mechanisms